
[EVENT] – NextRoad with French Road Engineering Teams Meeting Grand-Est Officials to Explain the Benefits of Road Asset Management 🗓📢

On March 12, 2024, a conference organized by Cerema, Syntec-Ingénierie, MRF – Maintenance des Routes de France, Routes de France, and the Institute of Roads, Streets, and Infrastructure for Mobility took place at the Cerema in Nancy. 📍

📈 Its objective: to present the approach and benefits of implementing an effective and sustainable road asset management strategy, showcasing best practices and feedback.

NextRoad actively contributed to the preparation and co-hosting of this territorial event. Special thanks to Jean-Pierre Briquet, Director of our Roads and Engineering Structures division, for representing our group.

The program 👇

The morning was dedicated to officials responsible for approving major guidelines for managing their territory and infrastructure service managers. The afternoon was conducted in a “World Café” workshop format around four themes:

▪ Inventory of existing assets ▪ What data for what use? ▪ Planning and organization ▪ Internal/external communication

A successful initiative, thanks to all participants! 👏

🔗 To access the presentation:

Photo credits: Cerema