Since 2021, a QSE (Quality, Safety, and Environment) department has been implementing a proactive Occupational Health and Safety Prevention strategy: risk assessment, implementation of training, prevention and protection measures, and updating processes. A Health, Safety, and Working Conditions Committee monitors these actions and evaluates their effectiveness, in full transparency with our employees. Attentive to the health of its employees, NextRoad covers 75% of their health insurance.

Ensuring a safe and respectful work environment
Deploying our safety culture as close as possible to operations
In 2023, NextRoad embarked on an ambitious project of internal safety audits. Our agency managers are trained to conduct field audits, raise employee awareness of risks, and identify previously unevaluated security breaches. This initiative aims to perfectly align identified risks with safety instructions, collective prevention measures, and the choice of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).


Reducing the carbon footprint of infrastructure
This is the commitment and mission of NextRoad to society: to make infrastructure more sustainable. Our method of managing a road network – which is based on our four areas of expertise: Audit, Advice & Programming, Control & Data Management – allows for a reduction in CO2 emissions and material consumption of at least 25%, while maintaining the same level of service. Several hundred tons of CO2 can thus be avoided in France. In 2023, NextRoad takes a further step by developing an offering to assist infrastructure managers in implementing a system for measuring and monitoring their CO2 footprint.
Reducing the company's environmental impact
We are striving to reduce the negative externalities of our own operations. As examples, our employees are committed to recycling and responsibly disposing of all our waste, directing it to appropriate channels. We endeavor to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels by maintaining a fleet of newer, less polluting vehicles. We pay special attention to our electricity and gas consumption, implementing actions to promote energy efficiency.


Aiming for excellence in quality and integrity
NextRoad is committed to a continuous quality improvement process, validated by our ISO 9001 certification and the LABOROUTE accreditation (IDRRIM) of our six main laboratories. In 2023, we formalized our various commitments to our stakeholders in an Ethics and Good Practices Charter and shared it with our teams. We aim to align our daily actions with our fundamental values.

Paying special attention to the development of each employees
Each year, a training schedule is carefully developed to meet operational needs, skill development, and the aspirations expressed by our employees during their annual performance reviews. We encourage internal mobility and promote internal advancement, offering opportunities commensurate with each individual’s skills. In 2021, the 30 managers of the group were actively involved in the development of our strategic plan named ‘Auxo 2024’. An internal communication system was established to encourage regular and constructive exchanges between all teams. These actions demonstrate our commitment to creating a work environment where each employee feels valued, heard, and supported in their professional development.