NewsNextRoadillustration article algorithme causes dégradations

The NextRoad Algorithm: Analyzing, Qualifying, and Weighing the Causes of Roadway Degradation.

This opportunity allows us to share our road expertise approach, based on the ME38-2 and ME52 methods, enriched by 30 years of field experience. This approach has enabled us to develop an innovative algorithm designed to:

  • Characterize the probable causes of degradation in accordance with the LCPC’s ME52 technical sheets,
  • Categorize these causes for accurate diagnostics,
  • Propose tailored and optimized solutions.

Key Figures:

Our algorithm reveals that 73% of road degradation is directly linked to a lack of road expertise, distributed as follows:

  • 19% due to sizing issues,
  • 34% due to design flaws,
  • 20% due to inadequate quality control during execution.

Additionally, 25% of degradation results from delayed maintenance.

The NextRoad algorithm is a unique and valuable tool for understanding the root causes of roadway degradation, identifying the necessary work, and effectively prioritizing investments.

Invest wisely: every euro invested in expert, independent engineering generates significant savings in road maintenance budgets while ensuring the service level of your infrastructure, even under budgetary constraints.

Read the full article >>here<<

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