NextRoad motor so that the MLPL (Laser Measurement of the Long Profile) can be used in receiving rolling layer as the APL (Long Profile Analyzer).

Recall that the MLPL is an already qualified device for receiving new rolling layers (Technical Guide 2014).

The major difference between the two systems lies in the speed at which measurements are taken: at constant speed (72 km/h) for the LPA but at variable speed for the MLPL: from 30 km/h (toll stations, ramps, urban areas, roundabouts) to 130 km/h (motorway expressway).

So why continue on our motorways to make signaling personnel, road users and our teams take risks when technical solutions exist?

Complementary cross-tests were thus carried out in collaboration with CEREMA, NextRoad and the National Road Surface Characteristics Group.

The experiment took place on a new bearing layer with varying coatings and conditions.

The objective is (re)validate that the 2 devices give quite comparable results.

Let’s move forward together and be open to new technologies to advance our business and security!

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