Dynaplaque 2


logo-mlpcNF P94-117-2


Automated measurement of the dynamic modulus of soil


Device qualified mlpc®


Demander des informations


The Dynaplaque 2 reference material, qualified mlpc®, meets all the criteria of standard NF P94 117-2 and is used for the following applications:
measurement of the deformability of earthwork platforms and subgrades
determination of their homogeneity during construction.
assessment of the bearing capacity and fatigue behaviour of structures such as car parks, building site tracks, forestry or agricultural roads.

The dynamic stress applied to the platform to be tested is similar in intensity and frequency to that caused by the passage of an axle loaded to 13 tonnes and travelling at 60 km/h. It is generated by the fall of a mass on a damping spring placed on a load plate.

The complex analysis of the impact allows the dynamic deformation modulus of the structure at the test point to be calculated directly.

The system is mounted in a fixed position on the chassis of a light 4×4 vehicle or utility vehicle and allows many measurement points per day to be effortlessly performed compared to the traditional plate test.

Efficiency / Security
→ High number of measurement points per day.
→ Setting up the measuring system without leaving the driver’s seat.
→ No need for CACES.

Maintenance / Metrology
→ Annual metrology coupled with overhaul and preventive maintenance.
→ COFRAC-connected metrology Laboroute compatible

Easy to process
→ Direct reading of the result in relation to the expected threshold.
→ Quick provisional acceptance report in the field, which can be supplemented in the office with photos, plans and other elements in connection with the GTR.

→ Optimised transfer to new carriers possible
→ Units with service times exceed of
20 years.


Weight of the package650 kg
Weight of the falling mass125 kg
Plate diameter 600 mm
Drop height Adjustable from 45 to 55 cm
Force on impact70 kN+/- 10kN+/- with 125 kN load cell (maximum range)
Measuring chain uncertainty: <1% over the measuring range
DeflectionBandwidth: > 1 kHz
Measurement chain uncertainty: <0.025 mm + 1% measured value
Measuring rangeFrom 20 Mpa to 250 Mpa
Power supply12 V (vehicle power)
Data transferUSB, Ethernet, Wifi, Bluetooth
Positioning accuracy: 2 m CEP with SBAS
SoftwareMeasurement acquisition and processing (Windows, Android, iOS)
– Image environment of the measurement
– Cartographic ‘background’ map)
– Test report with status (and in accordance with the Labroute standard)


Intégration/EncombrementAcquisition et Traitement des mesures (Windows 10, Android, iOS)
– Image environnement de la mesure
– Cartographique ‘fond de plan)
– Procès-Verbal d’essais avec statut (et conforme au référentiel Laboroute)
Altitude de mesurede + 20 à – 80 cm
AlimentationCentrale Hydraulique autonome 12 V (énergie véhicule)
Hauteur de chuteRéglable de 45 à 55 cm
CommandeTélécommande avec Arrêt d’Urgence


Choix de véhiculeÀ la convenance de notre client, après validation technique (exemple de réalisation sur: Ford Ranger, Toyota Hilux, Iveco Daily…)
Hauteur hors tout
2.80 m

The machine comprises :

  • the sensors integrated in the load plate;
  • the manoeuvring frame with the fork,
  • the tilting cylinder and the hydraulic unit;
  • the distance travelled encoder for marking in the longitudinal profile;

The system is equipped with an extension kit to go down to the bottom of the trenches (80 cm below the platform level).

Download in PDF format the Dynaplaque 2 datasheet